What to expect at our meetings
We meet every fortnight on a Wednesday evening from 7.00– 9.00pm in Hamilton East.
We also offer a mindfulness day on a Sunday twice a year.
If you are joining us for the first time, it is helpful to arrive early and let us know beforehand, so we can arrange a time to introduce you to our practice and answer your questions.
Meeting Format
We start our meetings with walking meditation, this is followed by sitting meditation. We continue the evening with a dharma tutorial and deep listening to each other.
See below for details.
Walking Meditation
This helps to quieten our mind and relax our body.
We walk just for walking’s sake, no longer in a hurry.
We coordinate our steps with our breathing.
“The true miracle is not walking on water, but simply walking on this earth.”
Sitting Meditation (semi-guided)
Sitting still, following our breath and calming the body allows our mind’s activities to quieten and settle.
A still mind is a clear mind.
This clarity can bring us peace, understanding and contentment.
Dharma tutorial
Dharma means teachings. An opportunity to learn more about Buddhist philosophy, and the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh. We will have a reading or listen to a short talk and then open it up to discussion and questions. Rather than this being an intellectual exercise, we will explore how this teaching applies to your life or how you could practice with it.
Deep listening
While others in the group share their experiences, we also practice deep listening to each other. We give others our full attention, not interrupting, not being distracted by our opinions on what they have said.
Deep listening is the kind of listening that can help relieve the suffering of another person. You listen with the intention to help, you listen to let someone empty their heart and help them to suffer less.
“The most precious gift we can offer anyone is our attention, when mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers.”
What to bring
- A meditation cushion or stool – we have some for new people to try. Chairs are also available.
- In wet or cold weather we also suggest warm socks or slippers and a jacket or umbrella for outdoor walking mediation
- A donation.

Mindful Manners
We invite those who practice with us to follow these simple suggestions as a way of nourishing our collective practice of mindfulness and consideration.
- Please remove your shoes and leave them in the foyer before entering the meditation room.
- Please check to make sure your cell phone is turned off.
- As we often sit on the floor or enjoy some gentle movements, please wear comfortable suitable clothing.
- Please refrain from wearing strongly scented products that might disturb those with sensitivities.
- We start the evening with walking meditation, if you are running late, find us in the garden (or inside if rainy or dark) and quietly slip into the walking meditation. At about 7:20 we begin sitting meditation, and we ask you not to come in and disturb us once that has begun.
- If you need to leave early, please leave in the transition times between activities so as not to disturb others.